This drawing is based on a direct observation of my own thought processes. I have observed a cognitive mechanism happening by which I dismiss myself and my own thinking by importing and absorbing the most cynical views possible - let me give you some examples:
A friend and I were talking recently and I had the following thoughts:
“of course this is our points of view, we’re just two privileged white women” *Cue eyerolling*
“Of course I would challenge X idea, I’m just trying to hang on to power”
“Of course this debate between two white men is happening, middle aged white men are so entitled they think everyone wants to hear their ideas” (A thought that popped into my head at a talk between people I admire which I recently paid to go to).
The perniciousness of these tentacles cannot be understated. I did not invite these tentacles to embed themselves in my own psyche, in fact, I reject them.
My next thought was “I do not think that. Whose thoughts are these? These are not my beliefs”
But nonetheless, this process feels akin to having two software programs running at once- one I actively chose and subscribe to, and one that opened itself and runs parallel, and has cynicism, resentment, self censorship and cruel dismissal built into it.
If this program runs in my mind without my express permission, I wonder what it might be doing in the minds of others, including those who do actively subscribe to it.
This drawing examines these programs of belief. On the left, where the colour is, there is a sort of intellectual freedom that is becoming increasingly rare, there is reason and logic (and here comes that cynical automatic thought originating on that other side which I didn’t invite: “Logic and reason are tools of whiteness and oppression”) There are emotions on this side, too… a fully 3D and whole experience of being alive.. this side is characterised by truth, discussion, curiosity, delight…
On the other side is… something else. Maybe a system that gaslights one into abandoning one’s own reason in favour of group think 💭
A closed system of thought that doesn’t welcome questions (or importantly living according to one’s conscience) and instead pressures one to conform (maybe even to conform under the pressure to ‘be kind’ as if being kind and being truthful are in opposition to one another… just be kind becomes code for just conform to what I believe because there are no other valid alternatives). This system is not open to moral pluralism.
The tentacled thing is interested in the destruction, in fact, the self-destruction, of those wonderful human gifts of reason and thought (Take that, cynical automatic thought…there is my actual belief). On this side, individual thought might be a bit dangerous or toxic…debating or discussing is off the table. It dislikes the originality on the colourful side. It asserts lies about the colourful side by cleverly reframing the things that characterise the colourful side as problematic. The degree to which these tentacles have taken hold within academia, the workplace, and even within faith groups (just to name some areas) is the degree to which these places become weaker, hollower, and soulless.
I discussed this strange dissonance I was experiencing with a professional acquaintance recently and she said something profound: “It’s almost like a spiritual boundary is being violated. You didn’t give this worldview permission to take hold. You don’t believe it. But it doesn’t ask for permission”
I have been chewing over that thought and I think there’s something truthful there. In some ways it feels like I need to deprogram myself like one would after leaving a cult. Except, I didn’t join this cult. I see it and reject it’s claims. But the damage of its cynicism has still been done on some level. How much more damage is it doing within those who have actively given themselves to the tentacled creature.
Psychological Break and Enter, 2024. 29.7x42cm
I explored this in another artwork and focussed on the violation- a psychological break and enter of sorts. The little thieves embedded themselves and were destroying me along the way.
I love the work of people who are living by the program on the colourful side- people like Bari Weiss at the Free Press, Winston Marshall and his Dissident Dialogues, Josh Czeps and his Uncomfortable Conversations, John Cleese and his Dinosaur Hour, Douglas Murray and his fierce debating chops and writing. Others are emerging more and more (Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Richard Dawkins among others).
These are people who are not afraid to say a taboo thought out loud, who don’t run on the program of fear or submission to group thought, who don’t even agree with one another on many things but do agree that discussion, debate and uncensored thinking is absolutely of paramount importance. Examining ideas is on the table. These are people to follow who are not afraid to challenge the grey monstery beast.
I know which program I would prefer to run. Do you?